ChatGPT – Our Thoughts

When people talk about utilising ChatGPT or plain GPT – they are using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools.  Over the past 12 months they have become part of the lexicon.  

So what are they?  

Courtesy of ChatGPT:  “Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that broadly describes machine learning systems capable of generating text, images, code or other types of content, often in response to a prompt entered by a user. Generative AI models use a complex computing process known as deep learning to analyze common patterns and arrangements in large sets of data and then use this information to create new, convincing outputs. The models do this by incorporating machine learning techniques known as neural networks, which are loosely inspired by the way the human brain processes and interprets information and then learns from it over time. Generative AI has a wide range of applications, including creating images, text and audio. It can be used to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos.”

In a nutshell these tools have access to hundreds of gigabytes of data; from this they can respond to user questions and knock out a likely answer.  This is a significant step beyond the internet search we have accessed over the past decade.

This opens up the challenge; is there bias, misinformation and the right to use?

How do we maintain the quality control?  Do we synthesise the returned information or just accept what the machine has returned to us? 

Undoubtedly we have access to a powerful tool but we need to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of this capability and not just take the lazy approach of “cut and paste”.

Question:  How many of you have used the output directly and how many of you have used the output as a starting point to develop an idea?

I have regularly experimented with ChatGPT via Microsoft Bing. Occasionally I have asked it to write an article or précis’ a longer document. It usually fails; or at least to my expectations.

Can it write a Project Plan or a Communications Strategy – No. Can it provide me with the structure, framework and perhaps starting point – absolutely. The creative elements; the individual scope and context are still required from the author – or at least in my experience. 

There will definitely be a role for AI in starting a document or an article for me. However, the value add will still come from the usual stakeholder engagement and analytical approaches I apply to any engagement. The capture of individual requirements, ideas and benefits that experience bring.

The automation and distillation of ideas, processes and approaches will no doubt improve.

I love the creativity I can now obtain in creating graphics and I am now less concerned about the copyright issues. My splash diagram above being an example.

I think that AI will change how I deliver value to my clients. It can enhance my productivity and save time. With practice and personalisation of responses my usage and output will improve. It may not change my business model, but I expect it will definitely impact other businesses. 

AI is definitely here to stay and will provide opportunities – it will be up to both individuals and business to develop the strategy to ensure it’s effectiveness.

Below is a table that highlights the impact by function. Knowledge based industries are the expected winners.

Businesses will need to consider the impact, the opportunity and risks. There will definitely be uncertainties. 

What does not change is the requirement to continue to review, revise and renew your business strategy. 

Left Affairs of State help you with this planning.