Central West Hydrogen Hub

Commercial Advisory Service

Business Plan

Project Plan

Market Assessment

Communications Plan

Harelec Services plan to develop an end to end Green Hydrogen Production facility that is unique to Regional NSW for the dispersement of hydrogen for use in Public Transport (Buses), Logistics, Agriculture and Mining.

The facility will be fully self sufficient utilising solar energy which is scaleable for additional capacity as demand grows.
It will be a commercial scale project developed in partnership with local stakeholders for production and use of Green Hydrogen.

Affairs of State were engaged to:

  • Develop a strategic government engagement plan to achieve an overarching vision and tactical steps for development of the modular solar-hydrogen project in Central NSW.
  • Provide advisory services to assist with Government engagement and to create buy-in from Government to extend and expand Harelec Solar’s strategic goals and objectives.
  • Provide advisory services to assist with engagement of potential investment and partner funding organisations (predominantly Government and Government related entities), utilising an extensive and relevant network contact list as well as our extensive and recent experience. 
  • Provide professional services to assist with the ROI – Low Carbon Product Manufacturing Fund and Renewable Manufacturing Fund response.
  • Provide professional services to assist with Harelec Solar’s business operations, communications and process improvements.