Airline Operation Feasibility Study

Air Freight Business Operation – Feasibility Study

Aviation Advisory

Financial Feasibility Assessment

Regulatory approvals, including AOC & TSP

Passenger and Freight Aircraft Market Assessment & Technical Acceptance

Affairs of State were contracted to complete a feasibility and business case study; with a particular focus on the financial assessment of a combined freight and high end passenger jet aircraft operation.

The work, for an international consortia, included the full assessment and project team to secure the necessary AOC, CoA and TSP regulatory approvals.

Affairs of State included aircraft acquisition options and we provided the required airline management team project work in this assignment.

Affairs of State completed a detailed business plan and IM document covering all capital requirements, cost controls, route profitability forecasts, resourcing models, asset utilisation evaluation, cashflow provisions and potential JV options.

The detailed business plan was completed with a full fleet plan and optimum airline operating structure.

Further assessment work was presented on global market ACMI opportunities, route performance by rotation, international route approvals and contract charter flying opportunities.

Affairs of State can build aviation models in full, including all aspects of commercial airline and network management.