Par Avion Case Study

Par Avion in flight

Par Avion & Airlines of Tasmania Commercial Advisory Service

Affairs of State were contracted by Airlines of Tasmania for the provision of strategic advice, organisational reviews and as the advisor to the CEO.

Airlines of Tasmania own and operate Cambridge Airport and Par Avion. Cambridge has been the primary site of aeronautics in Hobart from its opening in the 1920s.  

Cambridge is the home base for Par Avion, which specialises in day trips and scenic flights around Hobart and the South West Wilderness of Tasmania; the Aeroclub of Southern Tasmania; and Heli Resources, a Helicopter Company that focuses on aerial work and flights in Antarctica.

Our consultant, Hans van Pelt was the recent CEO of Launceston Airport and he has a number of C-Suite airline operations, including as the accountable manner for high capacity AOCs and TSP.

Michael Holzer undertook a digital transformation review looking to leverage technology for new and alternative revenue streams.